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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
Summer 2009 Marketing Internship - New York City

2009년 여름 10주간 뉴욕 PR회사의 단기 인턴 사원을 모집합니다.

전세계 41개국에 73개의 Office를 가지고 있는 뉴욕의 대형 PR 회사 입니다.

PR/Marketing 전공의 재학생이나 최근 졸업자 분들이 지원 가능 합니다.

- 근무기간 : 6월 1일 ~ 8월 14일

- 근무장소 : 뉴욕

- 자격조건 : PR/Marketing 관련 전공자 / 영어 우수자(영어레벨 3.5 이상)

- 급      여 : 시급 $10.00

- 모집마감 : 3월 26일

- 상담/문의 : 02)-335-7755, hunian@hunian.co.kr, www.hunian.co.kr

회사정보 / PR Firm in NY

The firm has offices in more than 30 countries around the world.
This PR Company is one of the worlds 5 largest and one of the oldest PR agencies in the United States. In the Firms’ beginnings, they focused their efforts on the tobacco industry in the 1950’s. The Company provides services to local and to clients around the globe.

The Company has strengthened its relations with the government of the US and also with governments all over the world which allows them to have an important role managing PR services for the United States conservative administration and others worldwide.

This Company is proud to have a direct impact to many issues and areas such as public policy and renowned world events due to their extensive coverage and control over the mass media which has granted them much success in their marketing campaigns.

With clients in various regions, Asia, Europe, Canada, Africa, Latin America, the Company has been recognized with awards as Best Agency and Best Communications Organizations at the Stevie International Business Awards.

This experience will expand your understanding of PR, providing you the practical experience needed to succeed in this business.

Daily client work
Opportunity to explore the aspects of program development.
Develop an innovative communications program to support the launching of a new product.
You will be exposed to the key drivers and fundamental values that make us a leader in this industry.

Our firm has been successful in providing high quality public relations support to companies across the world.

We offer expertise in a variety of areas: (Corporate Communications, Public Affairs, Technology, Marketing Communications, and Digital Communications.)

추가정보 :

This PR Company is one of the worlds 5 largest and one of the oldest PR agencies in the United States. In the Firms’ beginnings, they focused their efforts on the tobacco industry in the 1950’s. The Company provides services to local and to clients around the globe.

The Company has strengthened its relations with the government of the US and also with governments all over the world which allows them to have an important role managing PR services for the United States conservative administration and others worldwide.

This Company is proud to have a direct impact to many issues and areas such as public policy and renowned world events due to their extensive coverage and control over the mass media which has granted them much success in their marketing campaigns.

With clients in various regions, Asia, Europe, Canada, Africa, Latin America, the Company has been recognized with awards as Best Agency and Best Communications Organizations at the Stevie International Business Awards.

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